Friday, May 1, 2015

Senior Survey and Questionnaire Reminders

It's National Decision Day!  Congratulations to all of the seniors who have now finalized their plans for next year and which college they will be attending in the future.  For all those who were struggling to decide, today is such a wonderful day because the decision has been made and you can finally just be excited without the weight and stress of deciding.

Thank you also to the seniors who completed the needs assessment senior survey during homeroom last Wednesday.  If you missed the homeroom Wednesday, please stop by and fill out the senior survey so that we can add your insights to the data pool.

Also, another quick deadline reminder for seniors - your Mandatory Graduation Questionnaire Forms are due back to the counseling center - Monday, May 4th.  This is a mandatory form and it provides us with the information we need for Senior Recognition Night, the Commencement Ceremony program and to send your final transcript to your college.  Believe me, it is critical that the information we highlight for these events is accurate and we cannot do this without your help.  These forms were sent out in the senior packet that was mailed home at the beginning of March, but if you cannot find your copy, you can download a copy off of the counselor website or you can pick up an extra copy in the WKHS Counseling and Career Center.  Please be sure that you complete both the front and back of the form.

Have a great weekend!

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