Thursday, May 16, 2024

Seniors & Careers

Obviously one of the purposes of high school is to help prepare students for whatever comes next for them after high school is over.  For some students that will mean directly entering a career field.  For others it will involve going to college before pursuing a desired career.  And yet others may elect to enter the military either as their career or as a component related to their career.  But no matter the path, careers are part of your ultimate goal when you leave high school.

To support students in the exploration of future career goals Kilbourne has a range of opportunities and options that students can engage in to learn more about various jobs.  This week I was able to talk with some of my students who took full advantage of some of these opportunities.

Alex Beyke was one of the students who participated in the Worthingon Industries Workforce Experience program.  His internship lasted the entire semester with Worthington Enterprises and, on Monday, he was officially informed that they will be hiring him full time after graduation.  This is an awesome opportunity and a direct reflection of Alex's hard work and dependability this semester.

Senior project is another opportunity where seniors can spend their last month of high school completing an internship in a field of their choice with community partners serving as mentors.  I had 9 students take advantage including:

  • Itzel Alarcon Escamilla: Nursing
  • Yasmeen Amesh: Financial Planning
  • Haley Aminaka: Police Department
  • Lily Banner: Dosimetry
  • Jack Bialecki: Real Estate Property Management
  • JaLiyah Boatman: Nursing
  • Tai Crump: HVAC
  • Marissa Dolciato: Education
  • Thalia Weis: Sales

One of the coolest aspects was to learn that several of these students received job offers as a result of their internship experiences.  When we talk about the positive difference that you make this outcome is certainly proof of how impressive you are and the impact you have on those around you.

Congratulations to all of my students who participated in all of the internship experiences as a component of your career exploration.  I am proud of you!

Seniors, don't forget - graduation practice is a REQUIRMENT and it is at 9am tomorrow, Friday, May 17th in the Auditorium.  You do not need to dress up or wear your cap and gown.  It will be an exciting moment to prepare for the upcoming festivities of graduation.

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