Thursday, May 9, 2024

Arts in Action Day

Kilbourne has built a lot of incredible traditions and one that most students love each spring happened last Friday - Arts in Action Day.

I love Arts in Action day because we get to pause during lunch periods to honor and celebrate all of the incredible talent that abounds at Kilbourne.  But it is also filled with fun from face painting, salsa dancing, martial arts, theater thrift shopping, and, of course the throw down.

For the last few years we have also hosted a Healing Drumming Circle as a part of the Arts in Action Day festivities.  Sponsored by the WKHS Activity Club, the drumming is led by Master Drummer, Iggy Garcia, who has a niece and nephew at Kilbourne.  He brings drums and lots of other percussion instruments for students to be able to join in on the drumming experience.  It was fun to watch students try to drum along with Iggy and to hear the beats from the rhythms you all created together.  One of the aspects that I thought was incredibly powerful as I watched throughout the day was the fact that EVERYONE could participate in drumming.  There were honors students and students with special needs.  There were musically talented and musically challenged students.  There were students of every grade and from all different friend groups.  And throughout the four lunches, everyone who sat down and gave drumming a chance inevidetably ended up smiling and laughing at some point in time.  It's pretty rare for that to happen with any activity and a definite success in my mind.  If you came to drum with us, thanks for participating and I hope you enjoyed it.  

A huge thank you again to Activity Club and to Iggy Garcia for making this experience possible!

On a separate note, seniors, don't forget, tonight is Senior Recognition Night.  We'll see you in just a few hours to celebrate your accomplishments from the last 4 years.

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