Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A Letter to my Seniors

Dear Seniors,

Today, as you walked out of the doors at Kilbourne, you marked the end of a huge journey that you have been on for the last 13 years.  Yes, of course, you will be back on Friday morning for graduation rehearsal (don't forget you have to be in the auditorium at 9am).  But studying, doing homework, taking notes during classes, seeing all of the same kids in the halls day after day - those moments have now come to a close.

To say that I am proud of you is such an understatment.  You started high school with virtual learning and blue/ green days.  You demonstrated your ability to be resilient as you adjusted and adapted in so many ways over the last 4 years.  You learned and grew, building friendships, supporting teammates, and accomplishing goals in the classroom, on the athletic fields, and through clubs and artistic endeavors.

Several seniors took the time to stop by my office for one last time before leaving and there were more smiles than tears (although there were definitely both).  And all I could think as each student left my office was, "thank you."  I am so grateful to each student who has been willing to share in their lives with me.  I truly know that I am a better person because of you all.

Enjoy the joy and celebration of being FINISHED with high school!

Congratulations!  Love, Miss Abbott

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