Friday, August 7, 2015

College Credit Plus Reminders

Many WKHS students are planning to take classes this school year that will allow them to earn both high school and college credit (for free) at the same time through a program called College Credit Plus.  College Credit Plus (CC+) was introduced this past spring and students who wanted to participate for this school year had until April 1st to declare their intent to participate.

For those of you who are participating this year, you will be taking classes through either Columbus State Community College (CSCC) or through Central Ohio Technical College (COTC).  These credits are guaranteed to transfer to any public college in the state of Ohio when you provide your college transcript showing that you had earned the credit.

I wanted to make sure all students participating in CC+ classes remembered that you must apply to the college, provide them with any required documents (just like you would if applying to college as a full time college student) and fulfill any requirements that the college has for their students.

For students planning to take a class through Columbus State, this includes completing an online orientation before August 13th.  The online orientation can be accessed here:
(CC+ courses offered at WKHS through CSCC would include English, Psychology, Government, Sociology, and Intro to Programming Logic)

COTC does not have an online orientation required of their students.  So for those of you who will be taking a math course or Intro to Business through CC+, you do not need to worry about this additional step.

It would also be wise to log into your application and make sure that you have been accepted by the college and have fulfilled all of your steps required for your application.  If you realize that they are missing something, please communicate with the college directly to get it worked out and to make sure they have everything they need.  (For example, one of my students received an e-mail indicating that she had until today to complete her application and she ended up finding out that the college had not properly uploaded her Compass Test Scores so even though she thought everything was done she realized that it wasn't and was able to get it straightened out before it was too late.)

If you have any problems with getting through the requirements with the college, please email me so that I can try to see what I can do to help.

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