Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Week Ahead

I hope you are having a great weekend!  As we look at the week ahead, you are probably looking forward to the fact that you only have a 4 day school week.  :-)  You do not have school on Tuesday as it is election day.  With so many schools in the district serving as polling places the district doesn't have students in the building as just another example of the fact that you, your safety and well being is our top priority.

I also wanted to let you know that I will be out of the building on Thursday and Friday for two full days of a statewide counselor conference.  (I even get to present at the conference so I'm pretty excited to learn more and also feel like I am contributing back to the profession too.)  Why does that matter to you - because if you need anything from me this week, I'd ask you to plan ahead and stop to see me tomorrow or Wednesday.  As always, if there is an emergency that comes up while I am gone, you will be able to go and meet with one of the other counselors.

The other reminder that I wanted to mention is that any students interested in participating in the fieldtrip up to see the Delaware Area Career Center and all of the programs available as options there, please turn in your completed permission slips to the tray in the front of the counseling center as soon as possible!  Technically they were due on Friday, but we can still accept late forms over the next few days so don't delay in getting your signatures and turning it in.  Remember, making a visit doesn't commit you to attending - it is just keeping that option available to you for the future should you decide that you'd like to apply.

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