Saturday, November 1, 2014

I've Been Slacking

Clearly, I have been slacking off on updating my blog this week.  Yikes!  I am sorry for the delay.  Between parent/ teacher conferences and the madness of trying to hit the November 1st deadline, something had to give and evidently it was updating the blog.  But, I'm back.  :-)

Today is November 1st.  Can you believe it?  This school year is flying past!  Today is a common early action deadline for a lot of colleges and so many of our seniors are submitting applications today.  (Or, ideally, have done so in the days prior to today.)  One common question that has been coming up a lot over the last few days is about what appears on the pdf submission preview.  Multiple students have been concerned that their test scores aren't appearing even though they have entered them.  Colleges have the option of how they want some features to appear (or not appear) and OSU, for example, doesn't have test scores show up.  So, don't worry about it being missing if you are reviewing your information before submitting and it doesn't appear.

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