Do Something, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering teens to participate in community service. Volunteering has many benefits - not only to those who are helped by your acts of service, but also for you as well. In the past the Do Something organization surveyed admissions officers of top colleges and universities in the United States. The purpose of the Community Service and College Admissions Survey was to understand the importance of community service in the college admissions process. As you can probably guess, the reality is that the admissions officers like to see community service. Here is what they wrote about the top five findings found in the survey.
Passion and Consistency Valued Most
When asked, “Which would you value more: four years volunteering at a local community center or one month helping orphans in Somalia?” 100% surveyed chose four years at a community shelter. This response indicates passion and consistency hold much higher value than a smaller, even more intensive program. This theme is reiterated in the entire study.
Time Spent Worth More than Money Raised
When asked, “Which would you value more: raising $100,000 for the homeless or spending a summer working at a homeless shelter?” 68% surveyed valued time spent over money raised. While raising such funds is admirable and impressive, time spent indicates the universality of volunteerism. Anyone can find a homeless shelter where they can volunteer, but not everyone has the ability to ask for money. Admissions officers “get it.” They are looking for evidence of actual service, not the ability to connect with wealthy people.
Community Service Ranks Fourth Amongst Valued Criteria
When asked to rank GPA, SATs, legacy, reference letters, extra curricular activities, and community service, 37.5% surveyed ranked community service fourth. While GPA and SATs are obviously the most valued criteria, community service ranks higher than then legacy and reference letters. Quite simply, hard academic numbers remain the most standard and significant factors of getting into a top college, but community services are noted and valued experiences.
Organizational Affiliations Don’t Matter
When asked, “Does being a member of a service organization like the Boy Scouts have more or less weight than an unaffiliated student volunteering?” 84% surveyed gave no weight to such affiliations. One admissions officer noted, "Service is service, that’s always a good thing."
Tell Your Story Well
When asked to list the three words admissions officers most like to see when students describe their community service, the most recurring words were “commitment,” “passionate,” and “dedication.” When asked to list the three words admissions officers least like to see, most recurring were “required,” “mandatory,” and “tedious.” Therefore, when describing community service, it should include positive and encouraging descriptors, rather than words of obligation.
So, if you are thinking about the volunteering, I would encourage you to get involved and help make a difference! It will make a difference in the community and it can even benefit your future college applications.