Friday, March 6, 2015

2 Weeks Remaining

There is no question that the 3rd quarter has been incredibly challenging.  Historically, it is always one of the most challenging quarters as far as grades are concerned.  This year that typical dip has been magnified due in part to the cold/ snow days and the crazy schedules due to PARCC testing.  However, I have to be honest - these are all excuses.  They are legitimate challenges that require you to step up your game, but you do NOT want to end the quarter with your grades in a huge hole.  This quarter has just 2 weeks remaining.  You need to focus on finishing the quarter strong and taking the steps today that will help you to get to where you need to be when the quarter ends.

Please make sure that you are working with your teachers in any of the subjects you are struggling with and also remember to take advantage of the opportunity to work with the Academic Assistant's in the Teaching & Learning Center!  It consistently makes such a huge difference in grades for those students who are working with teachers and academic assistants to get caught up vs those who try to manage it on their own.

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