Tuesday, March 11, 2025

CC+ English Classes

If you are a student planning to take CC+ English classes next year, this is a post just for you (and your parents). As you learned in the email that was sent out from Mrs. Mann on Friday, there is an additional option beyond just Comp 1 and Comp 2 for next year. We have added in the English 2291 US Literature 1865-Present class. This course will function in the same format as Comp 1 and Comp 2 in that it will meet for 1 semester, at WKHS, for 2 periods, 2 days per week. 

Why are we adding an additional class?

Good question. We try to make sure that the classes we are offering for students will meet as many of the general education (GE) requirements at various colleges as possible. In the last few weeks we learned that Comp 2 is no longer meeting a GE at OSU and Miami. 

Do I have to change from Comp 2?

No! You can definitely still keep Comp 2. You can still take it even if you are hoping to attend OSU or Miami you just have to understand that it won't fulfill a GE requirement.  Plus, Comp 2 DOES still meet GE's at OU, Cincinnati, BGSU, Akron, and Kent State.  It is also fulfilling your senior English course requirement (just like the Literature class will.)

How do I know what to take?

Well, it is a personal decision. I'd suggest that you do the following things to help guide your decision making:

1. Reflect on your purpose of taking the class. Are you taking it because getting GE's done while in high school is important to you? Or are you taking it to get a college experience and you're ok if it fulfills a GE requirement or if it doesn't?

2. Look at all of the classes you have taken and are planning to take that can get you college credit and cross reference those courses with the various GE requirements at all of the possible colleges you are considering. Here are some steps to help you do that:

  • If you took AP/ IB classes, go to the CollegeBoard/ IB websites to see the credit policies at the colleges you are interested in attending. (I'd suggest printing out that list for each college if you have a lot of AP/ IB courses.)
  • If you took CC+ classes, create a free account in Transferology. Enter in all of your CC+ classes. Then look at your possible future colleges and print out the list for what the CC+ classes will count as at each college.
  • Next, look up the GE requirements for each college you are interested in attending. Go through the requirements and compare your AP/ IB/ CC+ classes to figure out what will count for you for the future. That should help guide you in what classes you can select to fulfill the most GE requirements for your intended schools.
When do I need to decide?

You can always make adjustments if there is room available later, but if you want the master schedule to be built in a way that will take into account your desired classes, I need to know ASAP - definitely no later than the last day before spring break. Otherwise it will just be by chance on if you fit into the class or not with the number of seats we will have available.

What do I do if I want to change classes?

Just send me an email to let me know that you want to change classes or stop by and see me and I can change your requests.

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