Thursday, September 19, 2024

New to District

Last week we held our Welcome Breakfast to celebrate the students who have come to Kilbourne from other school districts.  As of right now, we have 91 new students.  These students will come to our school with unique experiences, perspectives, and traditions to share that will make our school even stronger.  There are students from just down the street (who might struggle deciding where they want to sit during tomorrow night's battle of Hard Rd.) and students who came from countries far away.  There are 6 primarily languages along with English spoken by our students and many more cultures and countries than that represented.

Moving to a new school is really intimidating and requires a great deal of courage.  I am so impressed by how each of these new students are making that adjustment and embracing Kilbourne.  Many of our new students are already involved in sports and looking forward to joining clubs and other activities.  And yet, I am sure that there are some new students struggling to find their place.  If you see someone around the halls of WKHS who doesn't seem to have people that they are sitting with or talking to, I hope you will make the effort to connect and say hi.  It doesn't have to be bigger than that.  Whether they are new or not, the simple reality of someone recognizing you and saying hi can make a complete difference in their day!

Don't forget, tomorrow is the suicide prevention #BecauseOfYou day during lunch periods and the school day will end with the Homecoming Pep Rally.

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