Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Diploma Presenter

I took the month of June off from posting on my blog.  With it being summer break and the craziness and stress of finishing out the end of the year, it was a chance to catch my breath and decompress... something we all need every now and then.

But is July now... and my brain is starting to gear up for the new year.  And yet, I can't possibly move forward without pausing for a moment to look back at graduation and the accomplishments of the Class of 2024!

I am so proud of the students in the Class of 2024.  The idea of entering high school as a remote student and then an every other day blue day/ green day student is a freshman year that is hard to imagine as the introduction to high school.  But you overcame all of those challenges.  You drew together as a class during the course of your 4 years together.  You learned together.  You competed in sports together.  You accomplished goals you had set for yourself.  You created beautiful music and art.  And you touched my life in a meaningful way.

As you may know, all students participating in the graduation ceremony are given the option to select someone to present them with their diploma at graduation.  This is, by far, my favorite Kilbourne tradition.  I love watching as students share that moment on the stage with the adult they have chosen.  And, when I have the chance to be the one presenting a diploma to a student, there is nothing better than locking eyes with them as we meet on stage when I immediately think about all the times we have shared together during the previous 4 years, hug, and I get to whisper my words of congratulations.

This year, I had the honor of presenting a diploma to 13 of my students.  They are pictured in the photo above and include (Left to Right) Back Row: Tai Crump, Alex Beyke, Zach Beck, Lily Banner, Rachel Baughman, Ugochi Anaraodo, Keidy Bueso Dominguez and Front Row: Marissa Dolciato, Alissa Azevado Santana, Bianca Ceron Leal, Isabelle Borchers, Alliyah Ahmed, and Thalia Weis.

To Tai, Alex, Zach, Lily, Rachel, Ugochi, Keidy, Marissa, Alissa, Bianca, Izzy, Alliyah, and Thalia - first, thank you for the honor of being able to share in your graduation day.  It meant so much to me to be able to hand you your diploma and be the first to congratulate you as a graduate of Kilbourne.  You have all had very different paths throughout your high school years with some of you attending Worthington for your whole education and some for just a few months.  No matter what your journey was that led you to Kilbourne, you were able to make the most of your time at WKHS and you have even better dreams and goals in front of you!  No matter what your future holds - work, college, or gap year, I hope you know that I am proud of you and wish you the very best of luck in the future!  I am thankful that I had the luck and honor of being able to work with you as your school counselor and I want to remind you that although you may no longer be my student, you will always be important to me!  Love, Miss Abbott

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