Monday, May 3, 2021

Mental Wellness Calendar

May is National Mental Health Awareness month.  It is a time when we are all reminded to pause and reflect on our own mental health and what steps we are taking to help enhance and supplement our mental wellness.  There are so many times when we *KNOW* what helps us to feel better in and for ourselves... and yet, at the same time, it can be difficult to prioritize our own mental wellness.

In order to help all students dedicate some time each day to support their mental wellness, the WKHS Counselors have created a May Mental Wellness Calendar to challenge all of our students to take care of YOU!  The calendar can be found at this link and on the WKHS Counselor website -

If you are ready to take the mental wellness calendar challenge a step further, I encourage you to make a list of the things that tend to HELP your mental well being as well as a list of things that HURT your mental well being.  (And yes, sometimes it depends on degree and so some items could appear on both the Helping and Hurting list.)  For example, here are a few of the items that might appear on my list:

Helpful: Snuggling with Lexi (yes, she is a therapy dog at school, but she is good for me too), Getting a good night's sleep, Chocolate, Exercising, Stretching, Talking to friends, Spending time with my family, Reading

Not Helpful/ Hurtful: Sleeping too much, Running late/ rushing, Not being able to keep track of all the things I need to do, Lexi barking/ not listening to me, Having to make big decisions, Not having control over situations that I feel like I should be able to help control

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