Sunday, May 2, 2021

AP and IB Exams

Over the next few weeks many WKHS students will be putting the knowledge learned over the course of the school year in their classes to the test with the Advanced Placement and IB Exams. The tests will be held at WKHS and so we won't have bells ringing for classes in order to make sure that those testing won't be interrupted.  

I know that many of you have been spending an extraordinary amount of time studying to prepare for the exams. Good Luck!  You will do great!  Stop by sometime and let me know how you felt after the tests.  

I also know that there are many students who had registered to take the AP tests and have since decided that you don't feel comfortable or ready to take the tests.  That is an ok option this year because CollegeBoard has made exceptions for COVID and so your money for the test will be fully refunded.  If you have decided that you do not want to take one of your AP tests, you need to email Mrs. Palmer at and she will be able to help facilitate your test cancellation.

During the last week I have had tons of questions about where all AP scores appear and so if that is a factor in your decision making process, please let me put your mind at ease that while you can self-report your AP scores to colleges in your application, those scores do not appear on your transcript.  Ultimately, you also only send your AP scores to the final college that you select to attend and not to every school where you apply for admission.  So, if you take the test and don't do as well as you had anticipated, you don't have to worry that it would negatively impact your application.  And, on the other hand, if you decide not to test becaues you don't feel prepared the college won't see that you didn't take the AP test for a class that you had been enrolled in over the year.

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