Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is Teacher Appreciation Week.  It is a time for us to celebrate the impact that great educators have in all of our lives.  At WKHS we are blessed with so many incredible educators.  There is no shortage of teachers who go above and beyond to help students.  I have seen teachers responding to student emails and texts late into the evening and over the weekend.  You have teachers who are willing to give up their free time to help make sure you understand the material being covered in class.  And Kilbourne teachers write countless numbers of recommendation letters for students every year.  Giving up their free time, making themselves available to respond when needed, and helping you to achieve your future life goals might not be necessary aspects of being a good teacher, but it is that heart and dedication to students that is within every good teacher and is what sets so many of our teachers apart.  

When was the last time you thanked your teachers?  I know that they get paid to do their jobs, but just like you love to have positive encouragement, remember that your teachers are human and they also love to know that others notice their extra help and effort.  If you were a student who needed a teacher recommendation letter and you haven't written them a note of appreciation, perhaps this week is a great week to do so.  Or simply make an extra effort this week to "catch a teacher" going above and beyond for you or for a classmate and thank him/ her for what you saw them do.  We have so many incredible teachers that I believe you will be successful in finding something to thank one of them for this week.

And, while I am not a teacher, I had the benefit last week of being invited to attend the Boys Volleyball Teacher Appreciation night.  Kieran, thank YOU for making my day by inviting me to be able to take part in the evening!  It meant more than you know.

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