Friday, February 26, 2021

Interim Grades

We are now at the half way point through the 3rd quarter.  Students and parents are encouraged to check grades on Infinite Campus to get a feel for where current grades stand and consider what changes may be needed.  In the past, because grades are available on Infinite Campus, our district has not mailed home interim reports or report cards.  This year, in recognition of the fact that there have been so many changes and so many parents are feeling overwhelmed by the number of emails they receive, the school administrators decided to mail home interim reports for any students that have D's or F's in a class currently.

If you (or your son/ daughter) is struggling academically, there are some easy steps to take that can make a big difference.
1. Turn in EVERY assignment.  Even if it isn't perfect.  Even if it is only partially done.  Remember, some points are better than no points.
2. Work with your teacher to review material that you don't understand.  Ask them questions - remember, if you don't ask they assume you understand and know what to do.
3. Work with the Academic Assistants.  The Teaching and Learning Center in Room 209 is one of our greatest assets to assisting students who are struggling so please take advantage of that option.
4. Prepare in advance.  Don't wait until the last minute on homework, projects or studying for tests.  Staying organized and doing it a little at a time will pay off.

Finally, remember, your interim 3rd quarter grade is just 1/4 of the total semester grade and it is your semester grade which is what ends up on your transcript.  Please remain focused on taking care of the rest of the school year so that your semester grade will be as strong as possible.

Also, one other side note - if you need to drop a class or switch a course to pass/fail, the last day to make that change is Tuesday, March 2nd. (It is, of course, too late to add a class.)

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