Sunday, February 28, 2021

Underclassmen Graduation Requirements

In some ways, it is funny... (almost)... I remember when the current testing requirements for the juniors and seniors seemed so complicated and overwhelming for students and parents to figure out.  I have to be honest, compared to the underclassmen graduation requirements, the EOC 18 point requirement seems like a piece of cake.

But, here is the good news... it sounds confusing, but is totally manageable.

This infographic is the easiest way for me to try to help you understand the requirements.

As you look at the infographic you will notice that there are 3 sections.  

1.  The Basics are your 20 credits that I had talked about last month - those are the same as the older students.

2.  Comptency: this is the state's requirement that you demonstrate comptency in English and Math.  You will do this with your scores in the Math 1 and English 2 End of Course exams.

If you took one of those classes last year, your score was given based upon your grade in your class since COVID prevented the EOC tests from being administered.  

The comptency score is actually a "high 2" - so it will go back to your exact score, but if you earned a 3 or higher in both the English and Math then you have fulfilled the Comptency component of the graduation requirement.

3. Demonstrate Readiness: the state has established 12 seals and students must earn 2 of them to graduate.  These seals are from a range of different experiences and opportunities.  For example, one seal that the majority of our sudents should be able to earn is the Student Engagement Seal for being involved in extracurricular activities at WKHS.  Many of the other seals will be earned based on End of Course testing scores - for example, a readiness seal can be earned in Science for performing well on the Biology End of Course test.

The graduation requirements are something I pay attention to at all times, but it is also valuable for you to know and be aware and track the requirements on your own - if for no other reason than it is good practice before you get to college and have to keep track of your graduation progress completely on your own.  

Want to know more?  Check out the video that Dr. Gupta, Worthington's Director of Secondary Education, created to explain the requirements in detail.  It is available on this page:

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