Thursday, February 25, 2021

Graduation Points - Jr/ Sr

The basic class requirements (that I talked about last month) are the same for all grade levels.  But juniors and seniors have different testing requirements than freshmen and sophomores.  Tonight, I am going to give a quick overview of the upperclassmen testing requirements.  I will address the underclassmen requirements in my next post.

All juniors and seniors must earn a certain number of graduation points to graduate.  Students will earn these points based on the End of Course exams that you have to take each year.

There are 7 tests that contribute to the total graduation points.  Every student will take tests in:
- English 1
- English 2
- Math 1
- Math 2
- Biology 
- US History
- Government

Students must earn a total of 18 points in all of these tests.  This is complicated a bit in that 4 of the points must come from English, 4 points from Math, and 6 points from the Science and Social Studies areas.  This allows the other 4 points are "floater points" and can come from any of the tests together.

Last year, because the EOC tests weren't able to be administered due to COVID, your points earned was based upon your grades in your classes.

Most juniors have taken 6 of the 7 tests - leaving just the Government test.  You can look up on Infinite Campus where you currently stand toward reaching your goal points.  Let me assure you, I am watching these points closely!  Most students don't need to worry about the points - and for those who have retaken a test, they have typically improved their scores.  So, I don't want you to stress or be anxious about these tests, but I do want you to do your best in your classes so that you are prepared for every end of course test.  

Additionally, please know that even if you are not able to reach the point goals on the End of Course assessments, there are still other options to successfully fulfill the testing requirement for graduation.  For example, students can achieve college readiness scores on the ACT or SAT exams.  Earning a certificate for specific in-demand careers and a designated score on the Work Keys test is also an option for completing this requirement.  

I don't tell you all of this to overwhelm you or to stress you out, but I just want to be sure that you are aware that there are options for graduation and we will work together to make sure that you WILL graduate!

As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to stop in and let me know.

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