Sunday, October 18, 2020


Deadlines are real! Often times I worry that the tendency we have in high school to set a deadline and then extend it or accept late materials sets up a pattern for students that can be a major problem when it comes to college applications and the rest of the world. The reality is that outside of high school, deadlines are real. If they say you need to have something done by a particular day, then it is essential that you have it done by that day. College applications and financial aid forms fit into this strict rule so this is your friendly reminder to watch your deadlines!

Today we are officially 2 weeks away from November 1st.  While a handful of colleges had deadlines of October 15th, the majority of college deadlines are November 1st or later.  And their application deadline may be later, but don't forget that if you are a candidate for scholarships that you will want to be sure that you apply by their scholarship deadline which could be earlier than their application deadline.  The challenge is that every school sets their own requirements and so it is really important that you stay organized and submit all application materials to colleges prior to their designated deadlines.

The colleges often talk about how most applications come in during the last 3 days before the deadline with a huge number being submitted on the final day and even in the last few hours before the clock strikes midnight.  All I can say to you is please don't do that to yourself!  You don't need to add that stress to your life.  You can see the deadline coming.  Plan ahead and get working on your applications now because I promise you these next two weeks are going to pass in a blur.

If you are having trouble figuring out any of your college's deadlines when you are looking at their website or at Common App then please stop to see me and we can try to look it up together.

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