Monday, October 19, 2020

Rapid Assist Time Reminder

I wanted to remind you that every Tuesday from 1:30-2:30pm I am on zoom for Rapid Assist Time to meet with any of my students who have questions, need help or want to chat.  We can, of course, set up individual meeting times during any of your "at home" learning days, but I know that so many times students think, "oh this is just a quick question so I will just wait and catch Miss Abbott tomorrow" and then you try to stop by and I'm meeting with someone else and you don't always get to have that chance to meet with me the way you might have liked.  So that is why I am making sure that I have this hour built into every week for students to pop in and connect with me.  There is a waiting room so if someone else is talking to me you might have to wait a few minutes, but I can tell you in the last few weeks I have only had 2 students take advantage of this Rapid Assist Time.  The zoom link for the Rapid Assist Time is the same for all of the counselors (they just have their Rapid Assist Time on different days) so you can find the link on your Schoology page.  I really hope that I will get to connect with some of you tomorrow between 1:30-2:30pm!

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