Saturday, October 17, 2020


The Pre-ACT is the practice test for the ACT. This test is an option for sophomores or juniors.  The content of the Pre-ACT is closely tied to that of the ACT achievement test, which is used for college entrance and placement decisions. It covers the same subjects and gives you estimated ACT scores.

The Pre-ACT has many benefits. It can help you get started in thinking about and planning for life after high school. It will show you areas where you may want to seek extra help. The results can also be used to help focus your test preparation to improve your ACT scores. Additionally, one of the other valuable aspects is that the Pre-ACT test includes a career component that helps identify career interests and possible career fields. For all of the students who have no idea what they might want to do some day this is one way to help you generate some possible ideas.

The test will be held on November 17th and November 18th.  Only 100 students can test each day.  By default, green students will test on the 17th and blue students will test on the 18th.  However, we know that it is a challenge to miss more class time, so, those students who can provide their own transportation to school at 7:30am and home after the test around 11:30am will have the option to test on their non-class day.  Students can register for the test beginning on Monday through My Payments Plus.  The cost for the test is $14.

With all WKHS juniors taking the ACT in February and most WKHS students taking the ACT more than once as their college admissions test, this is a great opportunity for you to get a feel for what the ACT questions and format will be and to understand your anticipated scores.

As always, if you have questions, please let me know!

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