Tuesday, September 29, 2020

AP Tests

I realize there is so much changing right now, but it is important to plan not just for being back at WKHS this week, but also for the AP Tests in the spring (May 3-14).  CollegeBoard is in charge of AP Tests and they have fall deadlines related to the tests so you need to be sure you understand all of this so that you don't miss out on a key step related to the class or testing.

By now, all students should have “joined” the AP course online at the beginning of the year to access resources from the CollegeBoard throughout the year.  You will need your CollegeBoard account information to login and join the AP classes you are taking.  (If you have taken the PSAT, SAT, or AP Exams in the past then you already have a CollegeBoard Account.)

If you have a CollegeBoard account, it is important to use that account (and not to create a new one) as your scores from previous CollegeBoard assessments (PSAT, SAT, AP exams) are linked to your account.  If you already have established a CollegeBoard account, please visit myap.collegeboard.org and make certain that you can log in. If you have forgotten your password, you may call 1-888-225-5427 or email apstudents@info.collegeboard.org for assistance. 

If you have not already established a CollegeBoard student account, please sign up by going to myap.collegeboard.org. Make sure you write down and save your log-in information for future reference.  Remember, when you are setting up your CollegeBoard account, you do NOT want to use your school email account as your wscloud account cannot accept emails from outside of the district.

If you have questions, about establishing your account or linking it to the AP resources, please contact College Board at 1-888-225-5427 or email apstudents@info.collegeboard.org.

Once again this year students will register for the AP Tests in the fall rather than in the spring.  This is a significant shift for students who frequently would wait to decide how well they thought they would do on a test before registering to take the exam.  Below is information about the costs for registering for the AP exams and the deadlines for registering.

Exam Fees:
    Regular exam fee - $100 if ordered by October 30
·         Late exam fee $140 ($100 exam fee + $40 late fee)
o   Exams ordered between October 31 and February 26

October 30 – Regular Deadline
·         Last day to order exams at regular exam fee ($100)
·         Register for AP exams through My Payments Plus account
·         After October 30, all changes to exam status must go through Worthington Gifted Services Office

February 26 – Final Deadline
·         Last day to order exams with $40 late fee ($100 exam fee + $40 late fee = $140)
·         Last day to make changes to exam status

Questions? Contact Amy Reynolds or Suzanne Palmer in the Gifted Services Office, 614-450-6056/ areynolds@wscloud.org or 614-450-6055/ spalmer@wscloud.org.

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