Wednesday, September 30, 2020

College Visits

I know that it has been hard for seniors (and for juniors as well) to only search for colleges remotely.  In talking with some of the students, we related it to buying a house and that while it is nice to look at things online to see if you think you will like it, there is still value in being able to explore and see things in person.

Colleges know that this is the case too and so they are in the tricky position of trying to allow for future potential students to be able to come to campus and learn about their school first-hand while also protecting their current students and staff from outside exposure to the coronavirus.

While many colleges remain closed to admissions information sessions and tours, other colleges are doing small groups or family only tours where they will take just you and your family members or just a small group of students through a campus visit experience.  So, for students who are struggling to fully embrace the college application process becaues you are still struggling to figure out if you will like a campus up close, it would be worth your time to check the campus website and see if they are allowing visits to campus.

If your preferred campuses are still not allowing visits, you will likely have to apply to a range of schools and plan to make visits in the winter or spring when hopefully more progress against COVID has been made and you will then be able to visit the schools where you have been accepted.  Remember too that we have highlighted lots of other ways to learn about campuses and so those are still worthy of your time as well, but maybe, just maybe, you will still be able to make that campus visit this fall!

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