Monday, September 28, 2020

Hybrid Starts Tomorrow!

Are you excited that we are back in the building starting tomorrow?  I am anxious to see all of you again and have missed you so much!  Lexi is going to be ECSTATIC to have all of the students back in the building this week so hopefully you will make time to stop by and say hello to me and to Lexi too.

For Tuesday/ Wednesday the bell schedule will be different in order to allow time during 1st period for Freshman classes to be able to tour the school building.

Bell Schedule:
Per. 1 -- 7:45 - 8:54
Per. 2 -- 9:01 - 9:46
Per. 3 -- 9:53 - 10:42 (4 minutes longer for Announcements)
Per. 4 -- 10:49 - 11:34
Per. 5 -- 11:41 - 12:26
Per. 6 -- 12:33 - 1:18
Per. 7 -- 1:25 - 2:10
Per. 8 -- 2:17 - 3:05  (3 Minutes longer for Paced Dismissal)

In addition to us coming back to WKHS for hybrid learning, this week also marks the mid-way point of the first quarter.  Hopefully you and your parents have been checking your grades on a regular basis, but, if you haven't started checking your grades on Infinite Campus yet this year, I strongly suggest that you take a look and make sure you are on track for the quarter.  Your teachers are updating their grades at least once a week so that you can check and have an ongoing update for how you are doing in each class.  This continual information provides you with the chance to celebrate if you are doing well and to identify what you might need to change if you are not meeting your own expectations for the goals you had set for the year.

I have heard students say the program is a bit more difficult to use on the computer, but that for people with smart phones, the free app from Infinite Campus is very easy to use and is a great tool.  If you are interested in downloading and using the free Infinite Campus app, you will need to know that the District Code is: YCWTRL

Just one final reminder in case you aren't fully clear on this... nearly all of my students are in Blue Group.  This means that you will be attending school in the building on Mondays/ Wednesdays and every other Friday.  So this week, you will be in the school for classes on Wednesday and Friday.  On Tuesday and Thursday you will have independent work to do on your own.  There will not be zoom times that will be required - it is on your own time and it will be important that you remain focused and disciplined to stay on top of your out-of-the building days assignments.  Finally, remember, I am still available to you remotely on Tuesdays/ Thursdays as well as in person when you are in the building.  I can't wait to connect with you more soon!

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