Thursday, March 26, 2020

Scholarship Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the deadline for most of the local scholarships is rapidly approaching! While we are out of the school building, please put forth the time, energy and effort required to work on completing all of the applications for which you may qualify.  

The deadline for most of the local scholarships has been extended until we (hopefully) get back to school on Monday, April 6th.  However, if there are local scholarships that were supposed to be submitted to a different place other than school, then those deadlines have remained the same.  We are working now to finalize what each scholarship sponsor who planned to have us collect your applications on the 6th will want us to do if we aren't able to be back in school together.  We will post that information on the website if you will need to mail all of the applications to each scholarship sponsor directly.

Be sure to review your applications and verify that you have all of the required pieces ready to be turned in by the deadline. Hopefully if you needed recommendation letters for your applications you have already requested those as it will be difficult (if not impossible) for teachers to write letters in one week for you with all the added pressure they are under right now with trying to figure out the remote learning process.  If your teacher (or I) have already written you a rec letter, then you can always ask for them to email you a copy of your letter to use with your applications.  For your transcript, as long as it is asking for unofficial copies, you can download that off of the reports section of Infinite Campus.  If you need an official copy, please request that using the Google Form just like you did for your college applications.

Additionally, there are scholarships available at the community, state, and national levels. There are many scholarship search engines that you can use as a resource to help you identify scholarships that might be a good fit. With so many different scholarships, it can feel a bit daunting, but remember, if you are able to earn one of the scholarships, your time would certainly be worth the effort.

Here are a few of the scholarship search sites that might help you (and the WKHS counselor website has LOTS more in the financial aid section):

It is also important to remember that you should never pay for a scholarship - scholarships should be giving YOU money, not the other way around.

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