Friday, March 27, 2020

Update Me

You made it through your 1st week of remote learning.  How did it go?  What is working well for you?  What is a struggle for you?  Are there things you wish teachers were doing more or less of?  I want to hear about all of it!

Every week the counselors and administrators are meeting to talk about how things are going and I want to make sure I am sharing accurate information that reflects what all of you are finding through this remote learning experience.

While I definitely want to know how things are going for you academically, I actually care even more about how you are holding up emotionally through all of this.  It is very anxiety provoking and there is so much you are grieving right now.  I hope that you are finding safe and consistent places to share what this is like for YOU!

I came across this article and I suspect it will resonate with how many of you are feeling.  Parents, I encourage you to read this to better understand what your son/ daughter may be feeling and students, I hope you will read it so that you recognize you are not alone in how you feel.

I was talking recently with one of my students who said, "this break stinks!" And, of course, that is true, but here is the reality... this is NOT a break!  I think that is probably part of the problem for many of us (myself included).  We slip into the mindset that we should be able to relax, have fun, and still do our school work.  That isn't how this works... especially with all of the underlying stress that we are dealing with in our world right now.  And that discrepency between reality and expectations is setting you up for disappointment and frustration.

So, please, about all of it, take a minute and send me an email to and let me know how things are going for you.

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