Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Sign Your Name

I was thinking about things that students could be working on during those moments when you get bored, but don't want to do school work, have refreshed your social media feeds so frequently that you just keep closing and reopening them, and you can't fathom the thought of what to do next.  Sound familiar?

One of the things I was honestly laughing at kids over was watching as students attempted to sign their name on forms.  Some of you (very few) have incredible penmanship and it made me jealous that you can write in print or cursive so perfectly.  Others (most of you) can hold your own in printing, but your ability to write anything in cursive - including your name - is a skill that is lacking.

Fortunately, much of our world (as we are finding out with this whole social distancing need) is electronic in nature, but there are still times when you will need to sign your name on forms.  (Case in point, all of your CC+ forms that students have been submitting)  At the very least, some day, when you buy a house or a car and have to get a loan for those items, you are going to need to know how to sign your name.

So, my suggestion to you is to spend some time learning how to sign your name or perfecting your signature!  I did some searching and found that this resource allows you to type your name in the box marked "Text."  Then click on "Create Worksheet."  Then scroll back up a little and you will see that your worksheet is ready for download.  Click on that arrow and it will open a handwriting sheet like when you were little and learning to write for the first time with your name written in cursive and lots of blank lines to practice.  It is a great first step of going back to the basics in learning how to sign your name.

It isn't something that will be earth-shattering to have accomplished, but it is something that can be beneficial for you in the long run and therefore, worth spending 20 minutes on today.  And I can't wait to see all of your beautiful signatures the next time we have you submit forms that require it.

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