Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Look Back and Ahead

The end of the year is always filled with reflections back on the past year... top songs, movies, shows, social media posts, and countless more.  But it is even more important for you to pause and look back on your own life.  What did you accomplish in the last year?  What were the areas where you pushed yourself to learn and grow?  Where are the areas where you bravely had the courage to try and fail? (Remember, failure is not bad - especially if you learn something!)  Where did you struggle and need to improve upon in the future?

Speaking of the future, the start of a new year is often filled with hope, excitement and opportunity.  This is your chance to start fresh, to make goals for yourself and for how you plan to make the most of the year ahead of you.

I hope you will find a few moments today or in the days ahead to pause and reflect by looking back and looking ahead.  But even more importantly, tonight, I hope you will be safe and make good choices as you celebrate the end of 2019 and the start of 2020. 

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