Monday, December 30, 2019


The holidays are not always all that they are expected to be... we have these ideas that they should be full of joy, togetherness, food, family, friends, fun and more... always more.  Yet that is rarely how they actually turn out.  However, for some of our Kilbourne families, the holidays were far beyond just a disappointment.  They were filled with overwhelming sadness and heartache. 

We have had multiple WKHS students experience the death of a parent, grandparent, family member or friend during this holiday season.  The reality is that death at any time of year is difficult, but around the holidays, it feels even harsher.

Over the last few days I have received emails, text messages and phone calls from students and parents who are devastated by the sadness of these deaths.  And here is the hard part... nothing I (or you) can say or do will take away the sadness.  We can't magically make the pain disappear.  But we can help.  We can show up, be supportive, listen, try to understand, and help them in whatever ways they need. 

If you are grieving, you need to allow yourself the space and permission to feel sad, to miss them, to honor their memory, and to celebrate the important role they had in your life.

If you are not directly grieving a loss, remember, that this is a critical reminder of the importance of keeping perspective in your life.  This is a reminder to appreciate and validate those who you have in your life - to thank them for being a part of your world, for making your days better and your load a little lighter.  It is also a reminder to realize that what problems you do face today may not be true "problems."  I love this blog post - in fact, I have the words typed out and hanging on the bulletin board in my office so perhaps you have already read them at some point, but check it out again because it is worth reading and reflecting on how you are reacting to the problems which come your way.

Thank you to all of the individuals and families who are surrounding and supporting those in the Kilbourne community who are grieving and sad this holiday season.  Your care and compassion inspires me and makes me grateful to work in a place so dedicated to one another.  Please take care of yourself too - hug your families a little tighter and remember that the world is better because you are in it!

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