Friday, January 3, 2020

Thank You Notes

I have to confess something to you.  I hate thank you notes.  I have been sitting here looking at my to do list and writing thank you notes continues to be something I am procrastinating on day after day after day.  And that is a problem.  Because the concept behind a thank you note is something that I love.  Letting someone else know that you appreciate them and/or a kindness that they do for you, that idea really and truly is something that I love... so what's the problem?  For me, it often comes down to the feeling that my words are inadequate to express how much someone's kindness has meant to me.  However, I know that if I don't express my gratitude to the person who has been a positive influence in my life or who has done something nice for me or gone out of their way to help me, then how do they know how much I appreciate it? So, I will make sure that I get these thank you notes finished before we return to school on Monday.

And my guess is that many of you face the same problem. So I want to remind you of the importance of thank you notes. They do not have to be long or flowery - simply thank the person who has helped you. This is especially important for your teachers who have written recommendation letters for you. Many people do not realize the time and effort it takes to write a good recommendation letter. If you didn't formally thank your teachers at the time they wrote your recommendation letters, perhaps now - as you wrap up your college application process - is the perfect time. Thank them for their help and support in your education and with your applications. It won't take you a long time, but it will certainly mean a lot to them.

Before I close this post, I want to be very clear - I am NOT talking about writing to me! I do NOT need nor am I in any way hinting, asking for, or needing you to write a thank you note to me. I just figured we could all use a reminder in the importance of writing thank you notes and expressing our gratitude for those around us.  Plus, maybe now I will be motivated enough to get my own thank you notes written.  Have a great final weekend of break!

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