Friday, August 3, 2018

College Essay Brainstorming Workshop

For many students, writing your college essay is one of the most stressful aspects of the college application process.  In order to try to help better prepare students the counselors will be hosting a brief workshop about writing your college essay.

The Essay Information and Brainstorming Workshop Session will take place on Thursday, August 9th from 1:00 - 2:30pm.

We tried to schedule the workshop around as many of the fall sports schedules as possible.  This workshop is just for senior students (and not parents) as it is the student's essay and your voice is what admissions officers want to hear!  This session is optional and is ideal for those students who will be applying to a 4-year college.  (Those who will be starting at a 2 year program like Columbus State will not have to write an essay so you will not need the information covered in this session.) 

If you are one of my students and are interested in participating, please RSVP using this link:

Believe me, the essays are such a critical part of the application process that this won't be the only time I talk about it on my blog, but it is also a fun and creative opportunity to introduce yourself to the admissions officers and so it is worth the time you will put into making it a great essay.  I hope you will take time out of your schedule next week and join me for the workshop!

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