Thursday, August 2, 2018

2 weeks left

2 Weeks!  Can you believe it?!  In just two short weeks we will be back at school for the first day of the 2018-19 school year.  With so many sports already back in session perhaps it already feels like we are back at school, but I hope you are also looking forward to adding in the academic aspect of school too.

While many of you... and possibly me too :-) ...are wishing that these final days of summer would drag out and move slow, there is good news for how the first day of school will run.  The first day of school 
(August 15th) will be just for the freshmen students.  We are dedicated to making sure that the freshmen have a great opportunity to transition into the building and feel as if Kilbourne is their home.  It won't just be normal classes - there will be great opportunities for the freshmen to meet with their Link Leaders, to bond together as a class, to meet their teachers, and to enjoy the fact that they are now officially high school students.  For the rest of you, this means you get one extra day and you will not start school until the 16th.

Also, a few last minute summer academic reminders for you...

-         --  Summer work!  Many of you have signed up for classes that require summer assignments to be completed.  I know that procrastination is king in many of your lives, but please let me remind you that if you don't get moving RIGHT AWAY on your summer assignments then you are going to start the year in a mad scramble and you will already be sick of doing school work before the year has even started.  Believe me, I understand that it is hard to work on something that doesn’t *have* to be done yet, but in the long run, using your time now will be worth it. 

-        --   Summer School!  Quite a few students are taking summer school classes through an online program.  I always worry about the online classes since they require more self-discipline and like summer work are easy to procrastinate on until it is too late.  I have received transcripts already for a few students who have already finished their online summer school classes so I know that some of you are working on the courses, but if you have been putting this off, please get moving on your summer school assignments.

And even though I am reminding you all the stuff I want you to do to be productive in these final two weeks, I do still want for you to find moments to enjoy the relaxation of summer - you do deserve it!  I will see you soon.

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