Monday, August 20, 2018

Like a speeding train...

Wow!  It is hard to believe we have already had 4 days of the new school year.  I don't know about you, but it feels like this year is off to a speeding start and I am still trying to catch my breath as the train goes flying past me.

I love the energy and excitement of each new school year.  Lexi is probably the one who really loves it the most - she had so desperately been awaiting the start of the new school year and she loves arriving at school each morning to greet you all.  Having students in the building make such a difference to the whole feel of Kilbourne and it is exciting that the 2018-19 school year is off to a strong start.

I am sorry for the lack of blog posts - things have been pretty hectic for me.  I started the year off with a summer cold that had me exhausted and lots of family stuff happening outside of school.  I often say to my students, "Something has to go and it can't be your mental well being!"  Well, in this case, I applied that same logic to myself knowing that I had to care for myself physically and mentally and so the thing that had to be put on hold was my blog.  I will work to get back into a normal posting routine though.

It has been a great start to the year already and I am thankful that today marked the last day for students to change schedules so that everyone - you and your teachers - can also get into a good routine with your courses and your classmates.  For me, it also means that I can finally turn my attention to other areas.  I have had a few seniors stop by to ask college questions and that will spike a great deal in the days ahead.  (Seniors, don't forget - Monday night, August 27th  is college information night!)  For all of you who I haven't had a chance to see yet - I am anxious to see you and hear about your summer!  Please stop by and fill me in on how you're doing!  (And Lexi says please stop by to say hello to her as well.)

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