Monday, May 21, 2018

2 days remaining

It is hard to believe that you have just 2 days remaining in the school year! Granted, you still have several exams to wrap up, but the end is definitely within reach. :-)  Don't get me wrong, I am as ready for summer break as anyone else, but it really feels as if we were just starting the school year and all of you were coming into my office to request changes to your schedule. (Perhaps that has something to do with the fact that my office seems to be a revolving door with people coming in to request changes to next year's schedule.) 

Getting schedules to work is a more daunting task than most would suspect and we do our best to meet all of your needs, but please be reasonable and realistic. It isn't always possible to get the "perfect" schedule and yet we are doing the best we can to get you into the classes that you selected in February.  If you have realized that you no longer want to take a class that you had previously registered for or if you and your parents have determined that you should be taking a different level of a course (honors instead of regular or vice versa), please stop to see me during lunch or a non-exam block in your day or at the very least send me an email with your requests and I will do the best I can to make your requested adjustments.

I hope your 1st day of exams went well - good luck tomorrow on your 1st, 6th, and 7th period exams!

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