Sunday, May 20, 2018

Congratulations Graduates

I love graduation day! It is a celebration of all that you have accomplished - not only in high school, but really from your very first day of Kindergarten. There is such joy and excitement seeing all of you in your caps and gowns. I love to watch as you march in and try to search for your families in the stands and then, of course, watching when you receive your diplomas and are officially high school graduates. There are just so many reasons to smile!

It's funny - leading up to graduation I talked to lots of parents and kids about graduation day and many talk about anticipating that the day will be so sad and emotional with lots of tears, but that isn't how I have ever found the day to be - and today was no exception.  Of course, there is sadness underneath it all of thinking I will rarely to never see you all again and today there were even justifable tears as a student and I hugged and I was able to tell her how proud her mom is of her as she watched today from heaven.  But most of all - it was pride, joy, excitement and anticipation.  You worked so hard for today and it was worth it!  I hope you enjoyed the celebration and I hope you will always be proud to say that you are an alumni of Worthington Kilbourne High School!

I tried to get pictures of some of my kids, but it was a very chaotic day for me so as much as I wish I would have been able to I wasn't able to get everyone.

And, of course, I can't do a blog post about today's graduation festivities without also recognizing one of the newest inductees into the WKHS Hall of Fame - David Boord!!!  Congratulations David!  You are so deserving of this recognition and I am incredibly proud to know you and thankful that you have been a part of my life over the last 4 years.  You are already making such a difference in our world and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for you.

Underclassmen - 3 more days!  2nd, 5th, and 8th period exams are up tomorrow.  Hopefully you studied and are feeling prepared!

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