Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Lexi and Exams

1 more day of exams!!  Are you excited that you just have 2 exams remaining in your year?  Most students have seemed to say that exams haven't been as bad as they had expected which is always encouraging news to me.

Do you know who is NOT excited that there is just 1 day of school remaining?  Lexi.  She is NOT ready for summer and NOT ready for everyone to leave her.  In fact, this week has been quiet in the counseling center except for the breaks and lunch period and she has been acting so sad.  It is kind of comical to watch and lots of the staff who have been around have noticed.  When the door of the counseling center opens she goes running thinking it might be a student there to see her.

So tomorrow, with very little break time between your exams and then everyone leaving for the summer, I anticipate Lexi will be very sad to see you all go, but we will be at the doors so that she can see as many people as possible to say goodbye and get one last "belly rub" before you all leave.  But if you do have a few extra moments or are stressing with your exams, please stop by and see Lexi... and me too of course.

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