Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Senior Reminders

This is a big week for seniors and so I have several importantly, timely reminders for you.

1.  Diploma presenter forms are due back tomorrow to the Co-Curricular office.  If you would like to select a Worthington staff member to present you with your diploma during the commencement ceremony, please make sure you get your form submitted tomorrow.

2.  Tomorrow afternoon are also Senior Teas at your home elementary schools.  For those students who attended elementary school in Worthington, this is your chance to go back and visit your elementary school.  You will be able to visit with former teachers, sit in your old desk, and wander the halls as you relive your elementary years and realize how much you have (literally) grown since you were in school there.

3.  Graduation will begin to feel even more real on Thursday and Friday when National Recognition Products are in the cafeteria distributing your caps and gowns!  Be sure to take it out of the package when you get home to let the wrinkles start to fall out of the gowns.  (You'll still have to iron it, but it will be a ton easier if you allow the gown to have time out of the package.)

4.  Many of the local scholarships are due back this week.  Each local scholarship has it's own deadline so be sure that you are paying attention to when yours is due back so that you don't miss a deadline.  It's not too late to apply - check out the list of local scholarships on the Counselor website at www.wkhscounselors.com

5.  Hopefully you have already taken care of submitting your senior picture to Mrs. Mullen so that it can be included in the Yearbook.  If you didn't get your picture taken or haven't provided one to the yearbook yet, please see Mrs. Mullen right away so she can help you with alternate arrangements.

Selfishly, I will also mention that having pictures of my seniors is something that I *LOVE*!  Each year I put together a small album featuring the seniors from that year's graduating class along with any notes or other mementos I wanted to save to help remember your year.  It will be a very sad album if I don't have your pictures!!!  So, if you are a senior student or parent reading this, I hope you will please consider giving me one of your pictures.

There are more senior deadlines and reminders that will continue coming your way as we get closer and closer to graduation, but for now, take care of all of these pieces for this week! 

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