Wednesday, April 4, 2018


For some students, using and checking email is not something you do regularly.  However, no matter what grade you are in it is important that you start getting into this habit.

Let's talk for a moment about your wscloud email account.  This is only useful for students in communicating back and forth with other students or staff members who also have wscloud email accounts.  The student accounts do not allow for emails to be received from outside accounts.  So, for example, if you gave your parents your wscloud email account, they would not be able to send a message to you.  However, it is still an important account.  This is where all reminders and information that we need for you to know is shared.  It is where we send surveys when we are trying to get your input and hear your voice.  (And if you haven't done the survey from last month, please log into your wscloud email and fill it out - it will take you about 20 seconds to complete.)

Email is also vitally important when you start thinking about the college application process.  When you are applying to college and creating an account with the application system, the colleges will ask you for your email address.  As mentioned previously, you cannot use your wscloud email account for this purpose.  Additionally, when you are taking the ACT/ SAT they will use your email accounts as well.  

If you do not have your own personal email address, then it is time to create an account.  There are tons of free choices - gmail, yahoo, hotmail, many cable companies, etc.  

If you do have an account (that is great), but it is also important to look at your account and make sure that your name is an appropriate email name.  So, for example, if you created your email account when you were in 7th grade and it is "SexyPurplePanda" you might not want that as your account name used for the people you will eventually want to impress (such as college admissions officers).

Double check to be sure that it YOUR own email account.  I can't even begin to tell you how often students just rely on their parents e-mail addresses which can work in high school, but when you are at the college application point it is important to have your own account as the colleges will ask for your address and your parents address.  

Colleges will frequently use your email as their primary way of communicating with you including notifying you of your admissions decisions which is also a reason that it is important that you check your email accounts on a regular basis!

In addition to having an e-mail account, it is also important to remember to use proper etiquette when communicating with college representatives via e-mail. For example, when you need to e-mail admissions officers for any reason, as well as any other college representatives (advisor, professor, etc.) that you communicate with, please remember that the way you write your e-mail is a reflection of you. Please do not use text talk, avoid ALL CAPS, be mature, and write it in an official format “Dear _(insert their name with Mr/ Mrs)_, Text of your message, Sincerely, _(insert your name)__”.

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