Sunday, January 30, 2011

Please Plan Ahead

I wanted to let you know that over the next three weeks there are multiple days each week that I will NOT be available. If you have questions or would like to touch base about anything, I wanted to you to be aware up front so that you could plan accordingly.

This week I am not available at all on Tuesday, February 1st or Thursday, February 3rd. Next week I will not be available at all on Wednesday, February 9th or Thursday, February 10th. And the following week I will not be available on Monday, February 14th or Thursday, February 17th. During each of these days I will be meeting individually with students regarding their course selections for next year and, for the juniors, also discussing plans for life after high school.

If you stop by on one of these dates, leave me a detailed note and I will try to follow up with you again as soon as possible, just understand it isn't going to be possible for me to have a response back as quickly as normal.

Also, don't forget that the online registration is now open, so log in and complete your course registration!

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