Monday, January 31, 2011

Find a Balance

I'm pretty sure that I am not the only one who is hoping that we have an "ice day" tomorrow. It is rather sad that I brought home armloads of work with the hope that we'd have the day off so that I could try to catch up on work. :-) Perhaps if we have the time off you will be able to use the time to complete your online registration. Thank you to those students who have already completed their course selection! Don't forget you need to complete your online registration by the 7th and, if you are a junior scheduled to meet with me this week, please be sure to complete your registration before our meeting.
When you are considering which classes you want to take it is really important to try to find a balance. You want to challenge yourself with courses that will push you and help prepare you for the future. At the same time you want to remember that it is high school and you need to be realistic about your expectations of yourself. There is a balance that should be sought - between too many "easy" classes and too many "hard" classes. You know yourself best and what you can handle. So while it may be an honor to have every teacher recommend you for AP classes it doesn't mean that it would be the ideal situation to load your schedule with all AP classes. If you are struggling to find that balance, please talk to your parents about the classes you are considering and stop down to see me so that we can discuss it.

As a reminder, if we do have an "ice day" tomorrow, all of the junior meetings scheduled for tomorrow night will be cancelled and we will have to reschedule them for a different date in the future.

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