Friday, January 28, 2011

Course Name Changes

The math department has changed their course names for next year. Since you are now starting to register for your classes, I suspect that this will create quite a bit of confusion until we all get used to the change, so I wanted to make sure you understood the various classes.

The changes are aligning the course name with the textbook name for each class. The changes have eliminated all "Basic" courses and added in "Advanced" courses.

For example, the "old" Basic Algebra 2 is now Algebra 2 and the "old" Algebra 2 is now Advanced Algebra 2. The same thing applies for Basic Geometry which is now Geometry and the "old" Geometry is now Advanced Geometry. The Honors course names have not changed.

If you have questions about the new class names, please feel free to check with your math teacher of with your counselor.

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