Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Student Highlights

Recently several of "my" students have been recognized with awards for achievements, reached the next level athletically, or been featured in some way.

- Congratulations and Good Luck to Weston Bridges who qualified for Regionals in track and field for the 300 Intermediate Hurdles.

- Sam Dixius finished 3rd with a lifetime personal best this past weekend in the 3200M run and also qualified for Regionals. Way to go!

- Tim Davis and Will Campbell were awarded Honorable Mention for the All-Region lacrosse team. Congratulations! Tim had also received Honorable Mention for the All-MSLCA tournament.

- This season Charlie Bassani broke the high school record for most points scored in lacrosse by a freshman!

- And today, there was a story in the Columbus Dispatch highlighting the tradition that schools (including WKHS) have which allows seniors to pick a staff member to present them with their diploma at graduation. Timi Ademodi is one of the students interviewed for the article. By the way, on Friday Mr. King mentioned that about 15% of all of the seniors have not selected someone to give them their diploma. This is certainly fine as long as you are content to have someone from central office or one of the high school administrators present you with your diploma. If you prefer to have someone you know, think back through your education (K-12) career to consider asking a staff member - teacher, custodian, coach, etc - who has been a positive presence in your life to give you your diploma. Trust me, it is an incredible honor to the staff member that you select and it will make the ceremony more meaningful to you so that some day when you look back at the picture of you receiving your diploma you will be able to say, "Oh that's me with ___" rather than think, I have no idea who that is giving me my diploma. :-) If you are among the 15% and want to request someone to give you your diploma, please see Mr. King right away! He needs to be able to ask the staff member if they can participate and add them to the graduation line-up.

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