Friday, May 29, 2009

Taking the Test - At Any Age?

Somehow this 4-day school week seemed incredibly long for me and I am so thankful that it is finally the weekend! I spotted this article in the Wall Street Journal earlier this week and quickly thought to myself that this lady was crazy and there was NO way that I would agree to take the ACT or SAT now. I know, not very nice of me to say since you have to take the tests, but I admit that I am glad that my college admissions testing days are over. When a former student (thanks Andy) sent me a link to the article I decided it was time to share it with all of you. I think you (and your parents) will like to hear about this mother's preparation and her thoughts about taking the SAT. My guess is that it will make many of the students feel much better about your own approach to the tests and I'd guess that, after reading this article, even if you challenged your parents to sign up and take the tests they would refuse. :-)

Enjoy the weekend!

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