Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Test Prep Courses

It's a common question in my office every year, "Should my son/ daughter take an ACT or SAT test prep course?" There are a wide range of options accessible to students from private tutors, small group instruction, larger group courses/ strategy sessions, online practice questions, and books that families can invest in to try to reach their desired score. The reality is, I cannot tell you if you should or should not participate in tutoring or test prep courses - it is an individual decision and you know what will work best for you and your family as well any potential financial constraints.

It may help you to know that the National Association of College Admissions Counselors released a report last week saying that the courses do tend to have an impact on a student's score, but it is very minimal. The Wall Street Journal ran this story regarding test prep courses. As I have told countless students, the key is knowing what test you are taking and reviewing the types of questions you will see on the test prior to the test day morning. Being familiar with what to expect can help eliminate stress and make you a more prepared and effective test-taker. It is important to relax and do your best on the tests - that is all you can ask of yourself.

And remember, there are plenty of schools that are test-optional meaning that they don't require the ACT or SAT for their admissions decisions.

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