Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Applications, Applications, and More Applications

It would appear that many of you have you been busy over the last few weeks working on college applications - and therefore I am swamped with my portion of the paperwork for all of your applications to each of your colleges. They are moving along. I promise I am doing the best I can to turn everything around as quickly as possible.

The biggest hold up for the vast majority of the applications still in my office are not having teacher recommendations. Let me take this opportunity to remind you that YOU are responsible for making sure that your teachers have submitted their recommendation letters. It is essential that the teachers know exactly how many letters are needed, for which schools, and that they have any and all forms that need to be filled out in addition to their letters. Any delays in getting this information (or forms) to your teachers results in a delay of your application materials being mailed. Please follow up with your teachers about recommendation letters if you turned in an application that required a recommendation letter and indicated that your teacher would be providing the letter directly to me.

Also, don't forget, if you would like to review your application's progress at WKHS you can do this by logging onto PrepHQ. We document when it was received in the office and when it was mailed. As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.

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