Monday, December 8, 2008

Basics of Borrowing

Perhaps you have already noticed this announcement on the Welcome page of PrepHQ, but I wanted to make sure that everyone interested was aware of this opportunity.

NACAC, the National Association of College Admissions Counselors, is offering a free webinar open to all interested students and parents to discuss the basics of borrowing for college.

As you know, higher college costs and troubling economic factors are forcing students and their parents to borrow more money to earn a college degree. But how much is too much to borrow? What types of loans are available? What types of scholarships are available? What happens when you borrow, but don't finish college? Or you can't repay the loan?

Participate in this free webinar tomorrow, December 9th, at 1:00pm EST.

Hear student loan experts break down the process of applying for aid, types of loans and how to fill out the FAFSA, and determine how much students/families can afford to borrow, the details of student loan repayment, and much more.

A panel of experts will respond to questions during the webinar.

If you have additional questions please visit the NACAC website.

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