Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A College View

Tonight as I was searching online I found another website that might be interesting to many of you who are beginning or continuing your college search...

They feature a wide range of short video clips on over 200 different college campuses and there is a lot of other interesting and helpful information on their website. So, if you are working to expand or narrow down your college list, you might find that a little time on this website is helpful. The videos that I glanced at were useful (in my opinion) in that you gain glimpses of actual life moments on campus - they are not the college pre-approved footage or just another look around the campus, but rather it appears they literally took a camera onto various campuses and stopped people for their input.

Please know that nothing can ultimately replace a visit onto the campus to see the school and interact with the people first hand, but that is not always practical when you are considering a large number of schools. And, of course, don't forget that if you do go and visit a campus that I would like you to take a picture for the "Oh the Places You'll Go" display outside of my office.

Also, for any students who are off during 3rd period... next Thursday, December 18th, a former WKHS student (John Coleman) who is now a sophomore at University of Miami (in Florida) will be at WKHS to talk about his experiences being at "the U" and he will also be able to answer questions about what it is like to go to school far from home (advantages & disadvantages), what the transition from high school to college is like and how to best prepare for the adjustment, and any other general college related questions you might have for him. If you are in class during 3rd period, but are interested in the University of Miami, you can complete the permission slip and (with teacher approval) attend his session.

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