Sunday, November 30, 2008

A "Black Weekend"

The day after Thanksgiving is known as “Black Friday” and last year I heard the entire weekend being called a “Black Weekend” because high school seniors are forced by parents to spend all day working on college applications and get them completed. I keep wondering how many of you were really locked in your rooms stressed out about trying to finish your college applications. With December 1st being tomorrow, many of you may have been ahead of the game and not procrastinating to try to get everything done over the holiday weekend. Hopefully you finished so you could enjoy the break and that it was not a black weekend with lots of application work.

Remember, if you are applying to schools with a December 15th, December 31st, or January 1st deadline and have not already turned in a transcript release form you need to do this tomorrow! (Yes, it is OK, even though you have not completed your applications to turn in your transcript release form because we need time to process all of the applications and get everything submitted before the winter break.)

So, how was the rest of your Thanksgiving? I hope it was relaxing and enjoyable! I had a great time with my niece and nephew. There are so many things I am thankful for each day and Thanksgiving provided plenty of time to reflect on them... included in my list was all of you. Each student that I have the opportunity to work with and to walk alongside during your journey through high school is a blessing to me. I enjoy watching as you learn, grow, change, and mature during high school. I am also so thankful for all of you who make me laugh and bring joy to my day. And I am grateful for the "just because" visits when you drop by just to say hi. So, while it is a few days delayed, please know that I am thankful for you. I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing about your Thanksgiving breaks!

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