Friday, November 28, 2008

Sad But True

I hate to shop. (Yes, it is true.) I am just not a fan of it at all! There is nothing I like about trying to go into a store with lots of other people looking at all the same items and find the "perfect" gift for someone who means the world to me. Is it really possible to find a perfect gift? I tend to find it frustrating and overwhelming. So, that is why today of all days - "Black Friday" - it is sad, but true to know that I was out shopping at 5am. My sister and my mom are the exact opposite of me when it comes to shopping - they love it and live for it and usually that works really well for me because they can help me to find the gifts that I need for people and they find 99.9% of my clothes too. For the second year in a row though they decided that if I wanted their help shopping I needed to get up and go with them. (Ahhhh!!!) Let's be honest, if it wasn't for their help no one in my entire family would ever receive anything from me so I owe them a lot of gratitude for helping me. Unfortunately, after they left I unloaded the car and looked at what we had accomplished and I am no where near finished which makes me very nervous...

I hope that if you braved the crowds this morning that you were able to get all of your holiday shopping done and that you were successful in finding the "perfect" gifts.

The best news of all, it is only Friday so we still have the whole weekend left before returning to school! :-) Enjoy!

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