Monday, December 1, 2008

PSAT Results

The PSAT Results for those students who took the test in October have arrived at WKHS. Please stop by the Counseling and Career Center before or after school, during your options or lunch periods to pick up your test booklet and results sheet.

For those who are trying to figure out what their scores mean, a good "rule of thumb" for looking at the scores is to add a 0 to the end of each score. So, for example, if you have a 45 for the math section, then it will be like a 450 on the actual SAT. Adding the math and verbal sections together give you a guesstimate for your score out of 1600 and if you add all three sections together it compares your score based upon a 2400 scale.

When reviewing your results be certain to pay close attention to the information at the bottom of the page for feedback and suggestions on areas to study in order to improve your scores in the future.

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